
I have supervised and co-supervised students at various universities and continue to do so in my current role. I deeply enjoy supporting students’ growth and development through my supervision. As Mencius the philosopher said, attracting talented individuals from all over the world and educating them is one of the greatest joys in life.

Current team

At the University of Exeter, I lead the Fusion Intelligence Laboratory, where I supervise PhD, MSc, and undergraduate students.

PhD students (as primary supervisor):

MSc students:

Undergraduate students:

I am also co-supervising some students with my external collaborators.


University of Exeter:

Imperial College London:

I was the primary supervisor of one MSc student in Applied Machine Learning at the Department of EEE from 2022 to 2023 and has been an Assistant Supervisor appointed by Imperial College since December 2020. All the MSc students I supervised or co-supervised at Imperial College got their degrees with distinction. Additionally, I am a mentor of Imperial’s Activate Student Mentoring Programm, where I supported one PhD student to enhance her academic and professional development.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University